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Taking advantage of a fitted wardrobe
When you're moving into a new home, or redesigning a room within your current home, space is an important consideration. Are there any pieces of furniture that can help you make the most of the space you have? How are you going to keep everything in one location without your storage bursting to the brim?

The benefits of installing a fitted wardrobe in your home are numerous, and we highly recommend doing so!

Utilize space
As its name implies, a fitted wardrobe optimizes your home's space. With these, you won't get any wasteful gaps at the sides like you would in a free-standing wardrobe. The extra storage provided by using space is always a plus.

A free-standing wardrobe also comes with no fear of being too big or overpowering for the space, or too small and overshadowed by other furniture. A fitted wardrobe will seamlessly fit into the design of your room, making storing and organizing clothes and family belongings less stressful.

With a fitted wardrobe, you can design and customize the wardrobe to fit your specific needs. When you can't find the right free-standing wardrobe with all the compartments, rails, and shelves that you need, it can be frustrating. With a fitted wardrobe, you can customize the space in any way you see fit, whether that's adding a shoe rack, shelving for extra storage, or longer rails for more clothes.

Feel frustrated that no wardrobe has the perfect-sized mirror? Fitted wardrobes allow you to have whatever mirrors you desire. In addition to letting you see your whole outfit, mirrors on each door of your wardrobe will give the illusion that your space is larger than it actually is.

Keep Fox Wardrobes is an obvious one. The things you keep behind closed doors can be kept organized and tidy when you have more storage space. A tidy home also means a tidy mind, allowing you to relax and wind down in peace.

Easily cleaned
As opposed to free-standing wardrobes, fitted wardrobes do not have irksome gaps to collect dust. No more squinting to reach a stray dust bunny in the top of your wardrobe or stretching to reach it with your feather duster.

Good investment
The investment in a fitted wardrobe is not only good for the look and feel of your home, but may also be worth something in the future if you choose to sell your house. Space is a great investment that will improve your daily life while adding value to your home.

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