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Indisputable Proof You Need Wall Electric Fireplace
How to Install a Wall Electric Fireplace

The best wall-mounted electric fireplaces can be mounted in recessed or hanging to conserve space and create a built in look. Some wall electric fireplaces can be wired directly to the electrical system of your home.

Many models are also portable, which makes them easy to move when you change the look of your home. They can also plug into regular outlets.


A wall-mounted electric fireplace is a fantastic way to add warmth and comfort to any space. It is typically employed in rooms that are not able to accommodate wood-burning fireplaces such as bedrooms or home offices. It is also an excellent choice for a living room or family room as it can be used to create an accent that is both fashionable and functional.

There are many electric wall fires available on the market. When selecting one, it is crucial to consider a number of factors. These include size, heat output and the style. The size of the fire is vital as it determines the amount of space it takes up on your wall and how it fits to the overall style of your home. The output of heat is an important aspect as it determines how warm your house will be with the fire on.

Another factor to consider when choosing the wall-mounted electric fireplace is the design and finish. There are electric fireplace wall mounted of finishes that are available for these fireplaces ranging from black and white to metallic silver, and even wood veneer. It is crucial to pick one that is in harmony with the rest of your décor and complement the color scheme in the room.

A final feature to look for in a wall hung electric fireplace is the kind of heater it utilizes. These fireplaces are mostly fan-driven heaters which means that the blower moves air over the heating element to warm the room. These systems are typically efficient and can be controlled by a touch screen or remote control, or a thermostat.

Some models of electric fireplaces mounted to walls come with an LCD display that displays the current settings. This can be helpful when you're not certain how to operate the fireplace or if the unit is malfunctioning. These fireplaces often include an automatic overheat-protection mechanism that shuts down the unit in the event that it becomes too hot.

An alternative to the traditional wall-mounted electric fireplace is the electric inset fire. These fireplaces can be inserted in the wall and can be recessing to make them less eye-sore. They are a good choice for those who are seeking to add a modern look to their apartment or home without the hassle of installing.


When it comes to installing a wall electric fireplace there are a variety of things to take into account. First, you'll need decide on the kind of installation you'd like whether it's recessed or mounted. Depending on the look you're going for both options will work well. A recessed electric fire requires the creation of a space within the wall. A fireplace that is mounted can sit flush against the walls to create a sleek look.

It's important to ensure that the place you choose for your wall-mounted electric fire is close enough to a socket to allow the power cable to reach. It is also possible to move the plug socket closer to the fireplace for a more sleek appearance, and to avoid having any unsightly cables visible.

Once you've chosen a spot for your new electric fire It's time to get the tools out. Fitting a wall-mounted electric fire is relatively straightforward and can be done in around 30 minutes, provided that you have the proper tools to complete the task. A spirit level is necessary as it will ensure that the mounting bracket is straight against the wall. You'll also require a drill and screwdriver, and the ladder or scaffolding must be used to access hard-to-reach areas of the room.

Next, you'll need to measure the width and height of the mounting location on the wall to determine the dimensions of the fireplace frame that will be required. You can then purchase a pre-built fireplace wall kit which will contain everything you need to build the frame. Alternatively, you can use blocks to construct a custom wall to mount the fireplace.

Before you begin drilling into the wall, it's a good idea to test your fireplace to be sure it's working properly. Before you start the installation, plug it in and test out the heat and lights. After you've completed the framing then you can connect the fireplace to its mounting brackets and hang the glass face.


Electric fireplaces offer the same atmosphere like a traditional fireplace however, they do not carry the risk of real flames or sparks. However, you must take the necessary safety precautions if you use these types of heaters at home. Keep all objects including fingers safe distance away from the flame and ensure that you keep the fireplace adequately ventilated so that it doesn't get too hot. Unplug the unit whenever it is not in use.

Electric fireplaces do not create flames. Instead, they make use of LED lights, video images or mist. This means that it does not generate the extreme heat which can cause warping of a metal or wood mantel ledge, or burn flammable fabrics, wall coverings and furniture. This is the main reason for why a lot of people prefer electric fireplaces over their traditional counterparts for their homes.

The heat produced by a wall electric fireplace is radiating from the front of the device and can be warm to the touch. That is why it is important to consider the location of the heating vents on the fireplace when choosing which one to buy. It is recommended to leave three feet of space between the heating vents of the fireplace and any furniture or walls in your home.

It is also crucial to note that not all electric fireplaces provide the same amount of heat. Be sure to check the BTU's of each model prior to making a decision on a purchase. The more powerful the BTU number, the greater heat will be generated in the room.

Be sure to check out the security features of a wall-mounted electric fireplace. Look for a model that is certified by the CSA for electrical safety. It also comes with an automatic shut-off feature and thermal overload protection. This will lower the chance of an electrical short-circuit or fire danger.

It is also essential to inspect the fireplace on a regular basis for signs of wear and wear and tear. Make sure the fireplace is free of any combustible materials and do not place drapes or furniture on top. Finally, make sure that it is not plugged into a power source that is sharing space with other equipment and appliances to ensure that the outlet is not overloaded.


Electric fireplaces that are mounted on walls are stylish and add atmosphere to any space, whether it is a condo, home, apartment, or commercial. The majority of models have a stunning flame effect and a bed of glowing embers. a realistic flame effect that can be utilized with or without heating. They can be positioned over furniture, such as the sofa or console. They are easy to use and operate by plugging them into an electrical outlet that is standard.

The majority of models come in a variety of sizes to fit into different spaces. Certain models can be positioned in a flush position against the wall, while others are recessed or completely into the wall to give it a more integrated appearance. Some electric fireplaces are set on a mantel to create a more traditional unit.

These models need a bit more effort to install because they will require cutting or built into the existing structure of your home. These models can give an elegant, polished appearance than a single piece of furniture on an exterior wall.

If you're looking for a more flexible solution, the top venting fireplace is an excellent choice. These units have a built-in vent to let heated air circulate at the top, which permits the air to be spread throughout the room. They also tend to be more simple to install since they can be mounted directly to a 2x6 framed wall instead of being installed in a recess.

The Scion Trinity is one of the most recent models on the market. It's a multi-sided electric fireplace with an unobstructed view and a more substantial bed of embers than other flat-screen electric fire places. It is available in two sizes and can be used with or without heat.

The MagikFlame wall-mounted electric fireplace is a different alternative. It features a unique, modern design. These fireplaces can be mounted on the wall, or partially recessing. They also have an edging skirt that can help smooth out any protrusions. The remote control lets you to adjust the settings from any position within the room. They come in a wide selection of finishes, ranging from white to black so that you can choose the right one for your space.

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