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20 Truths About Volvo Keys: Busted
volvo key of damaged or lost Volvo remote keys and key fobs may be substantial. However with key protection coverage this expense could be covered.

The Keyless Shop can program and cut replacement Volvo keys. Keys can be used on older models without any chip or key fob.

Mechanical Keys

Volvo's digital key technology allows drivers to use their smartphone even when the car isn't at their home. This is useful when you make use of a concierge service to take your car to the airport or loan the Volvo to your family member for a short trip. Volvo claims their goal is to offer customers convenience and the ease of use they would expect from a reputable manufacturer.

The majority of Volvo models, beginning in 1998, are equipped with push start keys that require specialized locksmith tools to cut and program the specific Volvo model. These types of Volvo keys are not available for sale second hand or from online retailers. They should be purchased from an authorized locksmith such as us. The keys also require a subscription to Volvo's service program VIDA to download the key and remote to your car.

If you're planning to have an actual key made for your Volvo model, it's likely to be an ordinary Volvo remote key that has a blade that is mechanical. These keys are easily duplicated, and locksmiths are able to often remove a damaged key from the lock without needing to remove the ignition. However, there may be programming required for the key fob or remote that are used to turn on your Volvo. In certain instances this is required when replacing a Volvo key fob or when the key was damaged or lost.

Transponder Keys

Transponder keys are a part of the majority of Volvos built after 1996. They have a microchip which sends an alarm signal to disable the vehicle's immobiliser system. This is located in the engine control module (ECU). This makes it impossible to start your car without the use of a key. These are more safe than other keys and therefore are highly sought-after by a lot of people.

Most Volvo locksmiths are able to program keys for new keys and fob. However the process could take a long time since the dealer has to order the blanks and then reprogramming occurs in your office or at home. A Volvo specialist locksmith can give you the most competitive price for this service as they are local and know which keys are required for your particular Volvo model.

If your Volvo is still using a flat metal key without a transponder chip, this key can be copied at most locksmiths and even some hardware stores. A lot of keys are equipped with a watch style battery that can be replaced with a watch-style battery available at the majority of pharmacies or stores of grocery.

Key Fobs

A key fob can be used to unlock the car and then start it. It can also be used to control certain functions of your vehicle. These devices are far more advanced than transponder key and are much more difficult to duplicate. It's expensive to replace them in the event of their loss or stolen. Make sure you do your research before you purchase.

The majority of modern Volvos come with key fobs that require a particular type of program to operate. Keys are designed to keep anyone who isn't authorized from launching your vehicle. In addition, these keys are very difficult to cut. If you are in need of a new key fob it is important to consult an expert for programming.

You'll have to take your Volvo to an auto dealer or an independent locksmith for repairs in the event that the key fob has stopped functioning. The first step is taking out the old battery and replacing it with a brand new one. Make sure to put on rubber gloves to keep your hands safe and avoid damaging the electronic contacts.

After replacing the battery, put on your rubber gloves and lay the key fob on a clean surface. The Volvo logo should be facing up. Slide the Volvo logo towards the key-ring section loop until you feel the clips secure.


Whether you have a Volvo S60 compact car or a larger XC90 SUV you can make your life much easier by having duplicate remote key fobs. You can use them as spares in your other vehicles, or give them to others in your family who drive your vehicle. Volvo allows you to register up to 12 fobs on the use of a single vehicle. If you have lost a key fob, it is best to act swiftly. You might be able replace it with a used key that was not bought from a dealership, but it is important to ensure that the new key is programmed specifically to your Volvo before installing it in your vehicle.

A key fob can be used to open your tailgate or door, and it can also activate the cabin lights and electronics. You can also utilize the key fob to start your vehicle by pressing a button. These are more advanced than standard remote control keys as they come with built-in wireless communication technology.

If you have an item that is missing or has been stolen or damaged, you can visit a locksmith in your area for a replacement. They are usually less expensive than dealerships, and they offer more flexible hours. However, you should check if they are licensed and if they have a membership to VIDA to be able to program your Volvo car.

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