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This Is What Locked Keys In Car How To Open Will Look In 10 Years' Time
Locked Keys in Car? Here's How to Open Your Car Without Damage

If you've locked your keys inside your vehicle, don't worry. There are many ways to get around it before calling a locksmith, or a roadside assistance service.

For example, you can make use of a shoelace with a slip knot to secure the post lock, or a coat hanger made of wire that you untwist and mold into hook. You can also make use of an inflatable wedge or a door wedge.

Pump Wedge

Get help from a professional if are stuck in your car and DIY methods like shoestrings, wedges or wire hooks don't work. A locksmith or repo service provider may have lockout tools that can help you open your vehicle without damaging it.

If they do, make sure you use them in a proper manner. Be aware of where to insert the wedge tool. Many people put the wedge on the top corner of the door, where it is the most susceptible to damage. This is not a good idea, as you may damage the wires and weather stripping inside the doors. Instead, put the wedge in the biggest area of the gap you can see and where it will have maximum leverage.

The Pump Wedge is an inflatable wedge constructed of heavy duty vinyl that won't scratch the surface. It slides between the door of the vehicle and door frame, and then is inflated to create a space. This allows you to to slide in other tools such as a long-reach car opening tool rod. It has a hook on one end that you can make into a shape to hold the latch on the door handle.

A more economical version of this is to use a pair of wooden door stops. They can be used to pry open the gap at the back of the door. You can also make use of a slim-Jim which is a thin metal strip that is bent into a hook, and then used to attach the lock. This method requires some practice, however, since you must be careful not to tear the door's weather stripping.

A shoelace is another good option, but it works only with older cars that don't have a push button for the unlock mechanism. You can tie a knot in the middle, and then move the lace along the door seam until you locate the latch. Then move the lace up and down until it catches on the lock. Secure the slip knot, then pull upward. This is a more difficult method and could scratch the paint on the door or dent the trim if not done with care.

Inflatable Wedge

If you have a wedge-shaped inflatable car door opener, you'll be able to easily unlock your car without the need for prying or slim jim tools. The wedges can be positioned between the frame and the window of the car and when inflated, create a large space to place a tool that has a long reach like a button grabper or slim jim. This method is much less dangerous than using a tool to pry and is a viable option even when you don't have access to a screwdriver.

A coat hanger that is wired into a hook is an additional method to unlock the car without damaging the exterior or interior. G28 Car Keys can be used to secure the lock and might be more effective than a flat screwdriver because it is less likely to cause damage to the paint of the car. However, it is important to inspect all the doors to ensure there is no other method to gain access.

You can also try an old plastic bag that has been twisted into a noose-like or v-shaped shape, but you'll need to be careful not to tear it as this could make your situation even more complicated. This technique is especially efficient if you're struggling to locate the button for locking. This trick is not as reliable as a wedge, or a coat hanger, but it can aid you in a pinch.

Stay at peace and always put safety first. Luckily, there are several options to solve this kind of issue, and if you take the time to review this article, you will be ready for any scenario that may come your way. By following the steps we have provided you will be capable of unlocking your vehicle and move going without any unnecessary stress or damage. If you can, always be sure to take your keys with you when leaving your vehicle.


It's one of the "oh crap!" moments that can cause a lot of trouble. In a pinch, it's best to keep a few things in your possession that can assist you in unlocking your car without breaking the windows. Some of these items are easily accessible and will help you save money on a locksmith or the time it takes for roadside assistance.

A shoelace, or twine, can be a great tool for unlocking the car. It is easy to use and works on various automobiles. The key to this method is a car that has post locks. These stack vertically on the window sill and are easily accessible from the outside of the car. To accomplish the task make use of a shoelace make a slip knot and squeeze it into the gap between the window frame and the door. Once the slip knot is positioned in the right place, pull both ends of the string upwards to lasso the lock.

This method may only work on older models that have a locked that is hooked. A screwdriver, if available could help open the door in a more aggressive way. Another option is to grab an object from a nearby object, like a doorframe, or a piece of wood, and stick it inside the window frame to create space for the rod you'll use to push the lock's interior button.

Although the methods above might be relatively safe for many drivers, it is best to get assistance if you are able to. This will prevent any additional damage to the vehicle, and it will also reduce the risk of an accident caused by the stress of the situation. If you don't have a mobile phone or cannot call for help it is essential to inform trusted family members and acquaintances know where the vehicle is. A spare set of keys should also be kept in a convenient spot on your vehicle.

Wire Hanger

It is a frustrating situation to put your keys in your car. The trick is to remain at peace and think through all options rationally. This will prevent you from making the problem worse, which is something that could occur in the event of panic.

You can also use a modified wire hanger for entry into your car. You'll need to uncoil the coat hanger in order to make a straight end with a hook you can use to control the lock rod. Once you can reach the rod of your lock and you are able to pull it up to open the door.

Another option to try is to use a rod or even an element of metal from the body of your car. It is important that you ensure that you don't cause harm to the vehicle during this process and it is ideal to do it without taking the car apart. This method works better for older cars than modern ones. However it is possible to use it on models with distinctive door handles on the outside.

You can accomplish the same thing with the shoestring tied in a slip knot. This will also work on a post lock, however it is somewhat more difficult to operate because you'll depend on the tension from the string to grasp the lock. It is possible to do this by threading a shoestring into the tiny hole in the weatherstripping on the doors of your vehicle. After the string is in, you can pull it in a tight manner to create a loop that should snap around the lock, allowing you to remove it. If you are lucky the lock will be in the right place.

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