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Who Is Responsible For A Stove Defra Budget? 12 Top Ways To Spend Your Money
What is a Stove Defra?

Stove is a multi-fuel stove or wood-burning stove that has been approved for use in areas that have smoke control. This is a legal requirement in some UK cities and large towns.

They provide the smallest amount of combustion air, thus producing very little smoke. They are available in a wide range of styles and designs that match your home's aesthetic.

Clean Burning

In the past, homeowners and businesses could burn whatever fuel they wanted. This led to an increase in smoke pollution our atmosphere. This resulted in a number of health issues for people who lived and worked in the affected areas. In the UK, many towns and cities have been designated Smoke Control Areas (or Smokeless Zones) and it is prohibited to burn wood without a DEFRA-approved or SE-approved stove.

These DEFRA stoves have been constructed and designed to meet specific legislation to be used in these kinds of zones. They usually have air vents that can't be fully closed which helps to prevent the stove from being depleted of oxygen during the combustion process. This in turn reduces the amount of particulate matter released into atmosphere. They also have advanced combustion systems such as secondary and tertiary combustion that can reduce emissions further.

Stoves that are Defra approved can also be used to burn other types of fuel, such as anthracite, which means that they provide more options for your home heating. If you reside in an area under Smoke Control, it is advised to burn only "ready to burn" dry wood logs. This will not only decrease the amount of air pollutants produced, but will also keep your chimney and flue cleaner for longer.

The Stove Yard offers a large selection of Defra-approved wood burning stoves and multi-fuel stoves, starting at just PS420. We have a range of stoves that will fit any budget, whether you are looking for a 5kW Defra-approved stove or a larger model with an 8kW.

Recent headlines have been scaremongering about the impact of stoves on the quality of air. In some of these stories, the emissions from stoves were incorrectly grouped with those of older stoves, open fireplaces and other kinds of domestic fuels and appliances. Modern stoves, like those that are Defra-approved or Ecodesign have lower emissions than other heating methods. They also play an important part in keeping the indoor air healthy.

Low Emissions

There are many common misconceptions about the use of wood burning stoves and their relationship to air pollution. One of the most popular myths is that wood-burning stoves are responsible for large proportions of small particles in the UK but this is completely untrue. In reality the combustion of domestic solid fuels and wood accounts for less than one third of the PM.2.5 in Britain. The government used faulty data in its study to estimate the contribution of wood stoves. However, recent research by the SIA and others suggests that the figure is closer to 13 percent.

This is why it is crucial to install a DEFRA approved stove or a smoke exempt log burner if you reside in an area that is a Smoke Control Area These appliances have been tested and certified to meet strict emission standards that are specifically designed to minimize pollution levels in the air. The Defra exempt stove logo is a recognizable symbol that is widely used by the industry and, therefore, if you see the logo on a stove or in its name or specification you can be confident that it will offer very low emissions and is suitable for use in a smoke-free zone.

A DEFRA approved stove also complies with the EU Ecodesign regulations that will take force in 2022. These new regulations will dramatically lower the amount of smoke a stove will emit during the combustion process. These new guidelines have caused a number of Defra exempt appliances to be manufactured. The SIA suggests installing an Ecodesign Ready appliance rather than one that is a Defra Exempt one, as the particulate emission limit for Ecodesign Ready appliances is 55 percent less.

In addition to reducing emissions, DEFRA approved stoves are often more efficient than traditional open fires and can help you save money on heating costs. They are made to burn wood and other solid fuels at the optimum rate that can provide the highest heat while minimizing waste. This efficiency can also decrease the amount of carbon dioxide released as a result of the combustion process, which means you're helping combat climate change and contributing to an eco-friendly future by selecting the wood stove.

Perfect for Smoke Control Areas

If you live in an area where the amount of smoke is controlled, you must use a DEFRA-approved stove. Otherwise, you risk penalties. These stoves are designed to use smokeless fuels, which produces less particulates as well as other harmful gasses. They are also more efficient than standard stoves and they can help you save on heating costs. The stoves from Defra come in a wide range of styles, so you can choose the right one for your home.

A DEFRA approved (smoke-exempt) stove is also referred to as an SE stove. It permits you to burn fuels that would otherwise be banned in smoke control zones. These fuels include logs smokeless coal, briquettes and other easily obtainable smokeless fuels. DEFRA approved stoves will not exempt you of other requirements imposed on you by your local authority. It is important to follow all regulations in the region.

Stoves that have been approved by Defra have been subjected to rigorous testing to ensure that they are safe and clean to use. They typically have secondary and tertiary combustion systems to increase efficiency and reduce emissions. They also have a huge firebox, which permits the burning of larger amounts of fuel at once. These attributes make them an excellent option for homes that are in smoke-free areas.

It's also important to keep your stove in good working order to ensure that it's secure and efficient. This means cleaning it frequently and making sure the chimney is clear of obstructions. Routine maintenance of your stove will help reduce the risk of fire as well as carbon monoxide poisoning.

A Defra multifuel stove can be used in smoke control areas if it's equipped with a 6" liner and you burn authorised fuels. Bowland Stoves has a wide selection of Defra multifuel stoves in different styles to suit your home. My Source are able to answer any questions you may have.


Defra approved stoves give homeowners the ability to enjoy an eco-friendly flame, low emissions and a cost-effective way of heating their homes. They are available at a variety of price points, from basic log burners, to top of the line wood burning stoves. These appliances have many advantages, including being eco green and compatible with smoke control areas.

DEFRA approved multi-fuel and wood stoves can be used in areas with smoke control the UK. They are a convenient, economical alternative to gas stoves and open fires. They can burn a variety of fuels such as peat, logs and solid fuels. Some are also compatible with smokeless briquettes. These are a great option for the environmentally conscious homeowner.

These stoves not only provide a stylish, affordable way to heat your home, but they are also extremely efficient and offer the highest levels of combustion. They also have features such as secondary and tertiary air systems which help to minimise emissions and guarantee optimal performance.

A DEFRA stove is compatible with a 5" liner for burning dry wood, as long as the stove has 5" size flue. If you purchase an appliance that is not exempt from DEFRA, you will have to upgrade the liner to 6". This could be costly.

When you are looking for a new stove, there are a variety of things to consider, such as the physical dimensions of the room it will be placed in, the heat requirements and the amount of kW it can provide for the space. Also, you should consider the style of the fireplace and how well it will fit your interior design. If you're installing your stove into an existing fireplace chamber or inglenook, there are plenty of aesthetically-pleasing traditional and contemporary DEFRA stoves to choose from. Alternatively, there are modern Defra stoves that look fantastic without a traditional mantle or fireplace surround.

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