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How To Create An Awesome Instagram Video About Nespresso Coffee Maker
Nespresso Lattissima Coffee Maker Review

The Lattissima is the next step in Nespresso’s one-touch brewing. It can brew lungo and espresso in less than a minute, and accepts various capsules from the company.

It is also easy to modify the machine's settings to make the exact beverage you require. This is a nice feature for busy households.

Simple to use

This black Nespresso machine, which is basic in appearance, is simple to maintain and use. It is simple and minimalist in design, with just one button that regulates everything from powering cleaning to making coffee. You simply remove the lid, place in the capsule and click to start making coffee. It heats up quickly and offers a variety of drinks including double espresso as well as 5- 8 or 18-ounce coffees. It also comes with a steaming tool to give a cafe-like feel to your drinks. We like the compact design and simple interface, however, we noticed that the machine didn't produce as strong a cup of espresso or coffee as some models that are more expensive. It's also not as simple to recycle the capsules like some other machines in our tests. For these reasons, this Nespresso isn't the best choice for our test of side-by-side.

Quick to Brew

The Nespresso machine can make a cup of coffee in about 15 minutes. The heated water from a reservoir flows through a pump which is able to penetrate the tiny holes in the top of the pod. It is then mixed with the compacted ground coffee inside and drips into your cup. The machine created an extremely rich, delicious espresso with a slight hint of bite when we tested it using Jones Brothers and Bestpresso coffee capsules. We also tested whole, 2% and almond milk and found that all performed well.

Easy to clean

Cleaning a Nespresso machine is important both inside and out. This helps to keep it functioning properly and ensures that it's safe to use. It also makes the coffee you make taste better. You can make use of various cleaners to clean the inside of a Nespresso and include vinegar. However, it's recommended to make use of a descaling solution instead, as vinegar can be harmful to the machine.

To clean your Nespresso machine, take out all pods. Clean the drip tray and the capsule container. Fill the sink with warm water and add a few drops of dish soap. Let coffee machine nespresso or capsule container soak for a few minutes in the soapy solution in order to dissolve any gunk or stains. Rinse them with hot water, and then use a non-abrasive sponge or cloth to scrub off any residues or stains. After you scrub the drip tray and capsule containers clean them and allow them to completely dry before returning them to the machine.

When your machine is clean and descaled, it's time to clean it. You can follow the instructions in your user manual to follow a particular procedure. In other cases, you can make your own DIY descaling solution by using citric acid or white vinegar. If you are using vinegar, make sure that it is white vinegar, not balsamic or apple, as they can be too harsh.

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